Plop #14

If you are reading this you are probably no stranger to the dollar bins at your local comic store. We’ve all spent time looking through these boxes filled with comics old and new looking for treasure. The dollar bins are great places to find some good comics that are worth reading, and depending on what... Continue Reading →

The Tomb of Dracula #30

“Hidden in the shadows where legend and reality merge, there are tales of being who has lived more than five hundred years, they say he is a creature born not on earth, but in the deepest bowels of Hell itself. They say he thrives upon the blood of innocents, that he his the king of... Continue Reading →

Comic Book Sets

  I collect comic books for fun. I love to read ‘em. I love to organize ‘em. I love to catalog ‘em. I love putting them in bags to preserve them for future generations. I love trying to decide if I am going to keep all my new 52 comics together or if I am... Continue Reading →

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